Strain and Cell Line Development

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We have wide experience in strain and cell line development for the manufacturing of your recombinant protein

We can find the most suitable host among microbial and mammalian cell lines for your target protein. Our scope is to develop strains and cell lines with the highest performance in terms of productivity and stability. The entire process of generating a stable and properly characterized Research Cell Bank (RCB), starting from the aminoacid sequence, will be managed by our expert team.

We advise and support our clients in choosing the most promising host for each specific case

53Biologics Ecoli

Escherichia coli Strain Development

We provide innovative solutions for E. coli strain development: engineered strains and expression plasmids combining promoters, selection markers, signal/fusion sequences, and origin of replications. Our team has developed and gathered efficient and innovative molecular biology tools (proprietary or IP-free) to improve protein expression.

Pichia pastoris Strain Development

We have big expertise in yeast expression systems, especially P. pastoris, using a strong portfolio of molecular tools (base strains, promoters, signal peptides and secretion sequences, helpers factors, etc…) to obtain your recombinant protein in bulk. We use the most advanced and IP free molecular biology tools to bring out the full potential of yeasts.

53Biologics Pichia
53Biologics Cell Banking Fungal

Fungal Expression Systems

Fungal platforms have demonstrated the highest potential in terms of protein productivity, complexity and efficiency. 53Biologics is the world-wide CDMO leader developing fungal strains Trichoderma, Aspergillus or the revolutionary Myceliophthora termophila, nicknamed C1 and transferring production processes to the industry.

Mammalian Cell Lines

We work with partners to develop mammalian cell lines such as CHO or HEK293, which are the most widely used platforms for producing proteins and monoclonal antibodies, whether through transient transfection or stable cell lines. Through ongoing enhancements, our established expression conditions, developed in collaboration with our partners, aim to optimize the yield of these systems, ensuring efficient and reliable production.

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